Symbols for Protection of Family: A Guide

If you searched for “symbols of protection of family,” you’re probably interested in at least having the symbols so you can give them to family members and maybe even friends and co-workers. Symbols for the protection of family possess histories and qualities that make them work for that particular purpose.

Xinar explores several signs and symbols for protecting the family in today’s blog, so you can decide which would work best for you. Although symbols for protection of family vary depending on where you live, you may see a variety of protective symbols in everyday life.

Symbols for Protection of Family and Self


The word “pentacle” comes from the ancient Italian and French root pend-, which means “to hang;” hence, these amulets were traditionally worn around the neck. While they did share a root with the Greek word for “five,” pente, they did not always use star-shaped figures.

Not the work of a single tradition or author, but rather impacted by the works of many magicians and cultures across a significant period, the Pentacles are a melting pot of traditional and occult impacts, from Greek to gnostic mysticism.

Triple Moon

You may have seen a Triple Moon necklace or bracelet before. The triple moon is a worthy addition to our symbols for protection of family.

If you wanted to wear one before, even if you’re not complete sure what it meant, then the symbol’s aesthetic appeal, apparent simplicity, or some other as-yet-unknown quality drew you in. Your heart was telling you to do this.

Like other symbols for protection of family, moon energy is unstoppable, and this symbol evokes those qualities and has a deeper meaning and originates in Neopagan communities. Historically, the Triple Moon was a badge of honor for High Priestesses, sorcerers, and witches; today, it symbolizes the divine feminine and the defining moments in a woman’s life.

Full moon with a crescent moon in wax on the left and a crescent moon in wane on the right; this image is also known as the Triple Goddess symbol. It is said that the cyclical nature of the moon mirrors the natural rhythms of a woman’s life.

It represents the natural cycles of birth, life, and death in some religious and cultural traditions. For example, modern Pagans often associate Artemis, Selene, and Hecate with the concept of the Triple Goddess, which celebrates the three stages of female life (the Crone.) One of the reasons the moon has been viewed as having feminine energy over the centuries is because its rhythm is generally based on a 28-day cycle, the same as the female body’s.

Now that we have dug deeper into the symbolism of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone, we know that these archetypes do not accurately portray the experiences of all women. The labels of “Maiden,” “Mother,” and “Crone” can confine women and limit their potential, but we can see how each of them can be understood in ways that are relevant to them.

The seals of Solomon are a geometric whole that reaches from the Earth at its base to the divine heavens at its apex, combining symbolism and imagery, power, and beauty. They reveal the interconnectedness of all branches of knowledge, including the natural and the supernatural, the empirical and the speculative, the astronomical and the mystical, and the divinely inspired.

Before using the Pentacles, the magician would purify themselves with water and then turn their back to the west while facing east and holding their chosen talisman over burning incense (often frankincense or myrrh). They bless the seal, holding the talisman in one’s left hand while reciting the corresponding versicle would then activate the seal.

Sun Cross/Solar Cross

One of the earliest symbols, the sun cross (also known as the solar cross, sun wheel, or wheel cross), dates to ancient civilizations and is also part of our list of symbols for protection of family. It has been unearthed in many parts of the globe, and its meanings vary according to culture.

The sun cross is one of the oldest symbols of faith globally, with connections to religious art in India, Asia, North America, and Europe dating back to the prehistoric era. Various iterations of the symbol can be found in many different cultures. As early as 1440 B.C.E., the solar cross was carved into Bronze Age burial urns. It can be found on the walls of prehistoric caves, in ancient places of worship, on coins, and in works of art, sculptures, and buildings.

The most straightforward representation of the sun cross is a cross with equal sides inside a circle. In Norse mythology, this variant is known as Odin’s cross. This is because it symbolized Odin, the most potent of the Norse gods. The Norse word for this symbol is kros, and the English word cross comes from there.

Taranis, the Celtic pagan God of thunder, was frequently depicted holding a wheel with spokes in his hand, an object that has since become synonymous with the solar cross. It is a wheel that appears on Celtic coins and jewelry.

The circle at the center of the Celtic cross is thought to represent the sun, and its four points are thought to be a variation of the wheel of Taranis. A swastika is a form of the solar cross with the arms curved in a turning motion. The Native Americans were not the only ones to use this symbol as a good luck charm; cultures worldwide did so until Hitler appropriated it and changed its meaning.

It represents the sun, a revered object since prehistoric times. It was thought that the symbol was the Sun god’s chariot wheel. Kings throughout antiquity, not just in Egypt, adopted this emblem because it represented the highest authority to them: the sun. The wheel symbolizes the empowerment, strength, and mobility it bestowed upon individuals and communities.

The solar cross is now the symbol for Earth in modern astronomy, not the sun. An angel’s or saint’s halo can be seen in the center of a sun cross in Christian symbolism. Christians see it as a representation of God’s omnipotence.

The solar cross is a symbol important in neopagan and Wiccan practices, and it stands for the sun, the four seasons, and the cardinal points. Similarly, it symbolizes the four quarters of the Wheel of the Year celebrations. The solstices and, on occasion, the equinoxes serve as the solar calendar’s cornerstones, symbolized by the solar cross.


Although the precise roots of the word “Triquetra,” which means “three-cornered” in Latin, are unknown, it has been discovered on over 5,000-year-old Indian heritage sites. Furthermore, it has been discovered on early Germanic coins and carved stones in Northern Europe from the 8th century AD.

The Trinity knot is also included among the other decorative artwork in the fabled Book of Kells, which some scholars date to the early 9th century. In addition, the Trinity knot looks similar to the Valknut, a symbol associated with Odin, a revered God in Norse mythology, and thus may have had religious significance for pagan cultures.

It is difficult to pinpoint when the Trinity knot first appeared in Celtic culture. Still, it is thought that its distinctive artwork style emerged during Ireland’s Insular Art movement sometime around the 7th century. Those of you who have always thought of the Triquetra as a rugged design may be surprised to learn that it is actually the simplest knot.

The Trinity knot, along with other forms of Celtic knotwork, experienced a golden period before the Norman Invasion, after which they fell into disuse. However, because of support from Gaelic nobility, Celtic knotwork survived the dark age.

In the 15th century, knotwork was once again used to express political and cultural identity using symbols like the Trinity knot on weapons and jewelry. However, decorative uses of the Trinity knot declined after the Jacobean Rebellion in the middle of the 18th century.

More examples of Celtic knotwork ornament did not appear until the end of the 19th century, with the beginning of the so-called “Celtic Revival.” Since then, depictions of the emblems have been replicated frequently.

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